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Design for better living
Lapalma is one of the Italian furniture manufacturers recognised worldwide. But there’s much more to our design than a simple aesthetic style. Our aptitude is based on many small and large things, some very concrete, others more hidden and intangible but no less important to us. What we think, the values we believe in are what makes us what we have become: a company that is unique in its own way.

The story of Danese Milano is a narration of material culture, suggested functions, discreet pedagogies and practical beauty. The legacy of the founders, with the work done by Bruno Munari, Enzo Mari, Angelo Mangiarotti and Achille Castiglioni, is found in the catalogue where it continues with the projects of Matali Crasset, Elliot Erwitt, Marco Ferreri, James Irvine, Naoto Fukasawa, Martì Guixè, Jonathan Olivares, Paolo Rizzatto, Francisco Gomez Paz, Jean Nouvel and BIG.

More than a piece of furniture
What is Thonet particularly good at? Designing the perfect space for communication. Whether it’s a long evening or a quick chat, spontaneous or long-planned, at the dining table, in a hotel or at a meeting: Thonet furniture can be found wherever people meet, where they exchange ideas, take a quick break or work mobile – at home, in waiting areas and lounges, in offices or in a café.

PLM Design is a brand of furniture and decoration designed to dress homes that seek a balance between form, style and functionality. At Trends Home we share this philosophy and, therefore, both on our website and in our physical store you can find a wide selection of PLM Design furniture , decoration and lighting pieces with the aim of making your home your great refuge

Design culture is a part of our story, our actions and our thoughts. Designing means combining into a single, coherent whole the different cultural, social, technical, production-related and economic factors that together define the form of a product or a space. A good design requires careful consideration of the context, the evolving user demands and symbolic values, requirements and functional standards: it must be innovative and durable, created with an eye to people’s well-being.

Mobiliário, pérgulas e acessórios de exterior.
Unopiù, leading company in the production and distribution of outdoor design furniture and accessories, was founded inthe heart of Tuscia over forty years ago. The philosophy behind the name 'Unopiù' stems from the desire to create 'ONEMORE ROOM', that extra space dedicated to the outdoors.